How to handle StdPicture or Picture in C#?
Use activex controls in C#...
1. How to return a StdPicture type from a file path?
Remember to refer to stdole2.tlb in the system32 directory,
Export the OleLoadPictureFile function
[DllImport("oleaut32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, PreserveSig =true, EntryPoint = "OleLoadPictureFile")]
static extern void OleLoadPictureFile(Object varObj,[ MarshalAs(
UnmanagedType.IDispatch )] out Object oOut);
And load picture from file now:
System.String strFile;
strFile = "C:\\Devel\\Inabyte\\Inagrid\\Samples\\VSNet\\CSharp\\InaOwnerDraw\\icon.bmp";
Object lpDisp = null;
OleLoadPictureFile((Object) strFile, out lpDisp);
stdole.StdPicture pic = (stdole.StdPicture)lpDisp;
2. How to convert Image to StdPicture or IPictureDisp?
sealed class ConvertImage : System.Windows.Forms.AxHost
private ConvertImage() : base(null){}
public static stdole.IPictureDisp
Convert(System.Drawing.Image image)
return (stdole.IPictureDisp)
public static stdole.StdPicture
Convert(System.Drawing.Image image)
return (stdole.StdPicture)(stdole.IPictureDisp)